WEEK 7 F2K 030321 L2
π SUBJECT : English π©π»π« TEACHER : Miss Amalina π°️ TIME : 9.30 - 10.30 am π² MODE: MEET (ONLINE) π TITLE: LINKING WORDS (LANGUAGE AWARENESS) π¬INSTRUCTIONS: A) Go to MEET here https://meet.google.com/wcy-thns-nia 1. Discuss previous task ( https://missamalinasenglishzone.blogspot.com/2021/02/week-7-f2tf2k-010321-l1.html ) 2. LINKING WORDS - LESSON a. An overview b. Types of linking words Linking Words, Connecting Words: Full List and Useful Examples • 7ESL 3. LINKING WORDS - PRACTICES a. Quizziz Linking Words | Grammar - Quizizz (don't click on it, I will give you the link during MEET) b. Let's do this together during MEET Nevertheless Although Despite, linking words , an interactive worksheet by RuminaITodorova live worksheets.com c . Click on this worksheet. Do this individually and click FINISH, then enter your name and class (2T) https://www.liveworksheets.com/c?a=s&s=ENGLISH%20W7%20F2T%20L2&t=hjn0p8t15r...